
AG7GP's picture

Wagner Butte, OR July 2019


Wagner Butte is a harder hike mainly due to distance, but is at the top of my list of favorites. It will be a good 10 mile hike round trip with about 2200' gain, if using the trail. (SEE UPDATE at bottom for alternate route).Wagner is part of our family cattle range and being familiar with the area we took a short cut through some NF up past the trailhead, to knock a couple miles and a few hundred feet elevation off the hike.

AG7GP's picture

Beaty's Butte, OR July 2019


I was brought to Beaty's Butte years ago by Robin N7HAP, a trip that was my first experience of Eastern Oregon, and I fell in love with the area. There is a uniqueness and beauty to the solitude and vastness of this area. I like to make at least one trip a year to enjoy, so Beaty's was at the top of my SOTA list to activate, this was my 2nd SOTA.

AG7GP's picture

Big Red Mountain, OR July 2019


Big Red is one of several mountains along the Siskiyou Divide. From road 40S29, the hike is relatively easy, starting through the timber and then it opens up to a short climb to the top. I did not keep track of details but my memory guestimates a fairly easy 1/2 mi hike, about 200' gain, Big Red has fascinating rock and crystal formation on it. Abundance of wildflowers in early summer. So lots of rock, a few trees on top for setting up and no interference.

AG7GP's picture

Grizzly Peak, OR June 2019


All this is by memory and was my very first SOTA but hope it is useful. Grizzly Peak trail is a commonly hiked trail in the Ashland area as it is easily accessed and well defined. Grizzly is the view all of us Ashlanders see each day. Follow any road map, easy to navigate. I recommend early hike during the busier times of the year (late spring, summer) as the dead end parking area gets very full, parking can get difficult and crowded.

AG7GP's picture

Mt. Isabelle, OR March 2020


Follow road maps to Forest Creek Rd off of Hwy 238. Forest Cr will fork, keep left, there is an old schoolhouse on your right at this turn. Take this until will there is a large sign for Oregon Belle Creek Access Road. On google this is Isabelle Mt. Rd but there is no sign with that name. Road is worn through asphalt with plenty of potholes but very driveable. Drive until you reach Isabelle Saddle, info board and picnic table are present. Plenty of room to park here or to the right near the gate, just don't block gate.

KL0NP's picture

Maynard Peak, WA March 2020


A short, but scenic 2.6 mile round trip hike. Mostly it follows well defined elk paths, some minor scrambles over rocks, not quite class 3. One could stay in the trees to either side of the ridge and avoid the rocks.

KL0NP's picture

Mt Townsend, WA March 2020


March 21, I left the  trailhead (Upper Dungeness, across from Tubal Cain trailhead) at 1230. My Prius had chains on for part of the drive, just barely enought clearance with the snow. The trail had snow starting at 4500 feet. Microspikes were sufficient. Real snow started at 5000 feet, and I wished I had my backcountry skis. I was postholing up to my knees consistently, but deeper sometimes on the east aspect in the shade where the snow was more powdery. But it wouldn't have been a good ski tour, as I would have had to take the skis off many, many times due to wind-swept bare areas.

K7MAS's picture

First SOTA Activation: Park Benchmark, Summit County (On Dividing Line with Wasatch County), Utah - March 4, 2020


On March 4, 2020, I accomplished the first SOTA Activation of Park Benchmark, Utah.  While researching the vicinity of Park City, Utah, for a downhill ski trip, I was very surprised to learn that this easy to climb peak had not been Activated before.  Park Benchmark, W7U/SM-042, has an elevation of 9,363 feet, and fantastic 360 degree views of the mighty Wasatch and Western Uinta Mountain Ranges.

W6PZA's picture

Frederick Butte, OR | March 2020


Located about 50 miles SE of Bend off of Hwy 20 is Frederick Butte (W7O/CE-130).  This is a good summit to combine with Hampton Butte (W7O/CE-074) if you’re visiting this part of central Oregon.  Frederick has fairly easy BLM road access to reach the base of the butte - via Frederick Butte Road, 10mi drive south of Hwy 20 - but requires a mile climb bushwhacking up to the summit.  The map below shows the route I took, which I recommend.  There are other more direct routes, but know that near the top it gets very rocky and bushy.  I had good Verizon cell and data ser

WJ7WJ's picture

Cougar Mountain, OR | Feb 2020


Cougar Mountain is an easy drive up near Seaside, OR. Or is it?

The conundrum comes because of two gates. Both were open when I went up, neither had signs, not even the seemingly mandatory warning about closing at any time. I rolled the dice this time, but now that I know what's up there I'll bring a bike if I come back.

Here are the directions which work regardless of your mode of transport. That includes the carefully driven passenger car, although this route had less than the normal amount of potholes, so not so carefully? Watch out for log trucks anyway.