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875 Doppler Shift Hill First Activation


I completed the first activation on Doppler Shift on 04MAR2019.  The hike is roughly 2 miles from a logging gate.  In my case this gate was open however as with all these gates they can be closed and locked at any time so pass them at your own risk.  I was able to drive about 3/4 of the way up before finding a 'Unauthorized Motor Vehicle Access Prohibited' sign.  At that point I found a spot to park and hiked the rest of the way to the activation point. 

K7ATN's picture

Blue Box Summit (4620), OR | March 2019


Here's a nice 3 mile snowshoe or cross-country ski in the winter. may be able to drive within about a half mile in the summer. For a good ski experience, you might want to have at least 3 to 5 feet of snow on the ground - see the depth measure in the first photo below.

K7MK's picture

Lucky Peak, ID | Feb 2019


Winter activation of a "standard Idaho 2-pointer" (read: barely achievable especially during winter!).  I took advantage of a newly activated holiday at work (President's day) to activate the closest summit to Boise.  I went up the standard "hiking" summer route.  The round trip on foot is 11.5 miles and 3000 ft vertical.  The summer "4x4 drive-up" route is gated closed Nov-April and is currently under a bunch of snow.  

K7ATN's picture

Cooper Mountain, OR | Feb 2019


The activation zone for Cooper Mountain is a (very) short hike above the dog park at Winkelman Park, 10139 SW 175th Ave, Beaverton, Oregon. There is no AZ access from Cooper Mountain Nature Park to the west and the summit proper is posted "No Trespassing."

K7MK's picture

Peak 5580, ID | JAN 2018


Peak 5580 is in a cluster of 2-pointers east of Mountain Home Idaho on the north side of Hwy 20.  They lie about 1.5 hours from Boise so it makes for a nice trip to knock off a few summits.  These summits are generally considered the most achievable around Boise even know it takes a short drive to get there.  Other summits in the area require off road driving or longer hikes.  Some of the peaks in the cluster are available for year round access (SR-130 being the best), but Peak 5580 is a ways off the highway.  In the winter the road is not maintained and could be sn

WU7H's picture

Bearhead Mountain, WA | FEB 2019


This was a winter activation of Bearhead Mountain.

WW7D and I decided to give this a shot based on some WTA trip reports that indicated it was possible to drive to the trailhead. We took my 1988 Toyota 4x4 truck that has big tires and is fairly capable off road.

WU7H's picture

Nason Ridge, WA | DEC 2018


This was a New Year's Eve activation with WW7D. You can find a .GPX file of our route here.

We parked on the side of HWY 2, just east of the turnoff for Smithbrook. This is where everyone who is headed up to Smithbrook for winter sports parks. There were some XC skiiers, and snow mobiles unloading as we pulled in.

K7ATN's picture

Clear Lake Butte, OR - snowshoe | Feb 2019


Here's a long snowshoe in winter - 7 miles round trip and 800 feet elevation gain. The lookout is rented in the winter, so be sure no one is there if you climb up the stairs to take advantage of the additional height. 

K7ATN's picture

Neskowin Ridge, OR - walk-in access only


We checked out access to Neskowin Ridge in January 2019 and found that it is Miami Corp. property and gated. Google Earth labels the road "Van Duzer Forest Wayside" as it is just a quarter mile west on Highway 22 to the state park with that name.

The current access status was "Walk In Only" and other times of the year it may be restricted further. It appears to be about 3 miles and 1200 feet of gain to the summit from the gate.  

K7ATN's picture

South Helena Ridge, MT | Jan 2018


By Rob - AE7AP - Activation across the UTC New Year.

Bill - N7MSI & myself had a fine time squeezing 10-points out of a 2-pointer!