
AG7GP's picture

5084, OR 2020


From memory 2 years late... mainly you need to know the area is gated most of the year, opening around hunting season, I think September to November. This summit was basically a drive up summit, at least to the AZ. Did it the same day as Indian Springs. Below is my driving route so I can find the right path again. I'll take better notes next time but hard to time these summits right with the Green Diamond gates.


de AG7GP

AG7GP's picture

Indian Springs Ridge, OR 2020


Trying this summary two years later from memory...

Most important thing is that Green Diamond only opens their gates certain times of the year. These roads aren't open off Clover creek rd until about hunting season, I think September. I don't know exactly when they re-close but around November 1.

AG7GP's picture

McDonald Peak, OR 2019, '20, '21


I can't believe I missed reviewing McDonald in the past. I love McDonald Peak. It is a beautiful stroll from RD 20 on a nice trail, great view, great flora in summer time. It was one peak I spent some time at in 2019 and realized SOTA was where I belonged in radio. Sitting in the flower covered slope enjoying the view. Easy set up among a mix of slopes and boulders.

AG7GP's picture

Mt. Ashland, OR June 2022


I just noticed I never did summaries for some of my first summits especially if they had a previous review so with the 2022 campout coming soon I am trying to catch up on some. Mt Ashland is an easy, popular summit. Outstanding 360 view of NCA to CLNP rim to Josephine Co. Cool boulder stacks too. You can drive to the dome on the summit if you wish. Just go a little ways past the Mt Ashland campground and you will see the road on the right with a not so visible sign (it is on a tall post since it is used during deep snow).

W7MTB's picture

Horse Ridge - June 19, 2022


Pretty easy summit, but you have to bushwack. Full Report here

AG7GP's picture

Burton Butte, OR June 2022


I got on  here to correct/ edit my previous blog but realized I never did a first! I've done Burton a few times and it isn't that significant in features. Just an easy stroll through the timber. Plenty of area to set up. A nice easy trek, shaded summit but no view. No established trail but the dead end road you can continue on by foot and there are other cleared out areas from logging roads many years ago. For some reason I get discombobulated easily coming down Burton and sometimes come to far left nearly missing the spur. If you are like me, keep a tracker going.

N7UN's picture

Wildhorse Lookout


Great location and good access from FS Rd 33- Agnes Rd.  Road paved for several miles then a wide, well-maintained gravel road.  Ample parking across from the road gate.  Easy 1/2-mi hike to the summit.  Old fire lookout is decommissioned but easy to hang one end of your EFHW and sit at the picnic table.  360-deg view from the bald summit.

K7ATN's picture

Pike Mountain, ID | December 2022


By Scott-KI7EMX
W7I/CI-086 Pike Mountain (6 pts): Though a ways from I-84 (46.3 miles to be exact), this is a wonderful drive up a  forested canyon (Rock Creek Road/FS-515). The last 1.6 miles is on a well graded gravel road to a parking lot summit with an overlook and benches for activating.

K7ATN's picture

Peak 8762, ID | March 2022


By Scott-KI7EMX

W7I/CI-060 Peak 8762 (6 pts): This a sister peak of Mount Harrison. It is a bit lower in elevation and requires a one-mile hike (550 feet gain). The hike begins at the end of the Twin Lakes Campground, which you pass on the way to Mount Harrison.

K7ATN's picture

North Deadline Ridge, ID | February 2022


By Scott-KI7EMX