Easy Trail

Trail contains no technical obstacles
AG7GP's picture

Applegate Butte, OR August 2022


Applegate Butte is a drive up summit with equipment on top. There are a couple nice flats to set up in between two areas of equipment. I had zero issue with RFI doing hf. We came here from Soloman Butte so not a typical route, taking some of the east side roads from Soloman over to Applegate. Most roads were ok other than on Soloman. Probably the easiest access is from Road 600 east of Chiloquin and then take RD 4510 north.


de AG7GP

KF7SEY's picture

Crescent Mountain | August 2022


Cresent Mountain can be approached via the north trail or the south trail.  I took the north trail. South trail is described here. Crescent Mountain - Hike Oregon

You can get to the trailhead for the south trail by taking Lava Lake mdw road off highway 22. (44.4859,-122.00008)

KJ7OKW's picture

Sonyok Mountain - Montana July 2020


Sonyok Mountain (W7M/LO-115) is located on the Flathead Indian Reservation of northwestern Montana in Sanders county. It has a lookout tower at the summit that apears to be in good shape but was not manned the day I was there. A recreation permit is required to recreate off road on the reservation and the cost is $100 a season. Any local sporting goods store will have them. Although I did not encounter another person on this drive and could have gotten away without the permit, you DO NOT want to get caught by the tribal police, who do patrol their lands, without this permit.

K7AHR's picture

Fuji Mountain, OR | July 2022


Fuji Mountain, gem of the central Cascades, and well-loved hike, is a fantastic choice if you're in the area. Only half an hour from the highway, and with a very pleasant and well-worn trail to the top, this is the easiest hiking of any of the SOTA peaks in the area that aren't drive-ups.

K7ATN's picture

Quilcene Ridge, WA | July 2022


Depending on how much you like the paint on your vehicle, Quilcene Ridge might be a drive-up. Even so, where the slide alder starts significantly encroaching on the road it's only a quarter mile to the summit. So walking is an option.

K7AGL's picture

Huffman Peak, WA | July 2022


I hiked to Huffman Peak from Siouxon Peak ( http://www.pnwsota.org/blog/kj7eha/2022-july-24/siouxon-peak-wa-july-2022 ). The trail is very easy to follow, and traverses through a 2020 burn area. It is very wide. There was a lot of blowdown, but easy to step over and around. The summit itself has been burned and is exposed. In July 2022, the forest floor was showing signs of new growth tiny seedlings everywhere.

K7AGL's picture

Siouxon Peak, WA | July 2022


The activation report for Siouxon (rhymes with “Tucson”) Peak from 2013 (http://www.pnwsota.org/node/306) is still largely correct. I just put in Google maps “Siouxon Peak” as destination and “Gresham” as start. Note that you can still hike in from the Amboy side, doing it that way allows you to view waterfalls, but requires a stream crossing. I went through Carson, NF-64, NF-6403 as per the previous trip report.

N0DNF's picture

7695, IDAHO, 7-22-2022


 Access is gained by taking the Woodruff/Samaria exit from I-15 South of Malad ID (also see below for W7I/SI-084) and heading west on Woodruff Ln. This comes to a tee and becomes a good dirt road, you take a right (north), This continues for a bit then turns west again (no other option) and heads to the base of the mountain. You pass the last farm just before the base. Just after that you pass over a cattle guard and you will be on BLM land.

N0DNF's picture



Also known as Samaria High Point. Access is gained by taking the Woodruff/Samaria exit from I-15 South of Malad ID and heading west on Woodruff Ln. This comes to a tee and becomes a good dirt road, you take a right (north), This continues for a bit then turns west again (no other option) and heads to the base of the mountain.

N7UN's picture

Clear Lake Tower Operator Info


Please follow K7ATN's previous report for directions to this summit. 

In 2022 the tower lookout is Michelle who has been there for 8 seasons.  Very friendly and ham-radio accomodating.  Like other fire tower operators, announce yourself so Michelle knows you are there.  There is a public port-a-potty and a picnic table that can be used.  With permission, i hung one end of my EFHW from the tower structure, actually my rope supporting the EFHW.