Exposed Summit

Summit is exposed to wind, rain, sun (and good views)
K7MAS's picture

SOTA Activation: Mount Langley, Inyo County, California - August 14, 2013 - "Sunshine, Blue Sky & Endless Granite"


Activation of Mount Langley, 14,042 feet, High Sierra's of California, Inyo County.  Sunshine, blue sky & endless granite...but with a little price to pay.

 The Hike (Scramble) is 4.75 miles south - southeast of Mount Whitney, California, and 9.5 miles southwest of the town of Lone Pine, California. This was a father / son outing with my 28 year old son, who lives in the Los Angeles suburb of Sherman Oaks (sea level), and I, a 62 year old who resides in Bellevue, Washington, at the high altitude of 728 feet.

ND7PA's picture

Maxwell Butte Activation, 8.17.2013


It was raining steadily as we left the Willamette Valley Friday morning. Radar showed that a band of showers were over our activation site but we pushed on being always optimistic (heck I'm a QRPer, I've got to be optimistic!) We arrived at the Maxwell Butte Snowpark parking lot ahead of schedule.  I figured that we would be on the summit in a couple of hours, maybe an hour ahead of time. Optimistic, like I said...

K7MAS's picture

First SOTA Activation: Cirque Peak, Inyo County, California - August 13, 2013 - "Sunshine, Blue Sky & Endless Granite"


First Activation of Cirque Peak, 12,900 feet, High Sierra's of California, Inyo County.  Sunshine, blue sky & endless granite...but with a little price to pay.

K7NIT's picture

South Saddle Mtn, OR | July 2013


There is a maze of roads in the Tillamook State Forest - a good map, a GPS, and keen sense of direction will help you navigate your way to South Saddle Mountain (not to be confused with the other coast range Saddle Mountain, NC-004). It may not be the most scenic summit, but the clearcuts do provide some great views of the north Willamette Valley.

KF7PXT's picture

Ch-Paa-Qn Peak Activation


Here is a link to my blog from Ch-Paa-Qn Peak. This is a great summit with great views and faily easy access. Thanks to all the Chasers and Activators.




KF7PXT's picture

Blue Mountain Activation


This is my Blog from my Activation of Blue Mountain W7M/LM-121 on 8/3/2012. Thanks to all the Chasers and Activators that I worked and were patient with me.

This quick activation had 12 contacts with 3 of them being Summit to Summit with WA7JTM, NS7P, and N0PCL.

Thanks again.


KF7PXT's picture

University Peak SOTA Activation


I have included the link to my blog for University Mountain. The kids and I worked to avoid the rain and finally got this summit in and did not end up soaked. Thanks to all the chasers that make this hobby so enjoyable. Both of my kids are studying for their tech and may be able to start activating summits on 2m here soon!


Thanks again,

Matt, Peyton, and Lily


ND7PA's picture

Black Crater Activation


Completed my second SOTA activation on Black Crater on July 23, 2013. Black Creater trailhead is located just east of McKenzie Pass on OR 242.  The trailhead is well marked.  Parking and the trail are both very good.  Trail to the top is about four miles with about 3000ft elevation gain. Trail starts in dense forest and the forrest thins out as you go higher.  There were lots of bugs at the parking lot but once on the trail, they were not a problem.

KD7LXL's picture

Mt. Hood | July 2013


This was a fun activation of Mt. Hood. I decided to splurge on weight and bring the FT-817 and Buddipole (no coils) for 6m and 2m SSB. Once I got the antenna up, I found a number of chasers waiting on 50.125, so I'm glad I brought equipment for 6m. The mast was supported by shoving it into the hard snow on the summit.

KD7LXL's picture

Unicorn Peak


Unicorn Peak was a short easy climb compared to the Little T attempt the day before. It's about a 6 mile round trip with 2500 ft of elevation gain. We were on snow most of the way.