Exposed Trail

Mostly exposed (to sun, wind, etc) trail
AG7GP's picture

Point Mountain, OR August 2019


Point Mountain has a pretty good trail most of the way. It is mainly a steep bald mountainside especially for the last  few hundred yards of the climb. I do not recommend short cutting, the brush is too thick where it gets tempting because you are oh-so-close to the top. This is also an area known for bear. My first trip up I got growled at by something in the thicket ?? Turned around and kept to trail...

N1EU's picture

Woodrat Mountain, Oregon | April 2020


I believe previous activations of W7O/SC-071 reached the summit from the hang glider parking area to the north at the end of Woodrat Mountain Rd.  When I looked at Google Maps satellite view, I noticed a distinct trail from an earlier spot on Woodrat Mtn Road, to the east of the summit.  Woodrat Mountain Road is reached via Griffin Creek Road and Sterling Creek Road from the east.  It begins with asphalt pavement and then turns to gravel/dirt but is in very good shape compared to other forest roads in this area.  I was able to easily find where Woodrat Mtn Road was inter

AG7GP's picture

Dutchman Peak, OR July 2019


Self explanatory as it is just walking up the road to the lookout, I guestimate from memory 1/2 mile walk from gate. Dutchman Peak Lookout is the last of the original cupola lookouts still in use, and is also one of the oldest, built in 1927. Outstanding views of course, and you can go into the lookout and check out some of their mapping and compassing tools. A bit steep and rocky at the top. You won't have trouble finding any spot for a pole.

AG7GP's picture

Beaty's Butte, OR July 2019


I was brought to Beaty's Butte years ago by Robin N7HAP, a trip that was my first experience of Eastern Oregon, and I fell in love with the area. There is a uniqueness and beauty to the solitude and vastness of this area. I like to make at least one trip a year to enjoy, so Beaty's was at the top of my SOTA list to activate, this was my 2nd SOTA.

K7MAS's picture

First SOTA Activation: Park Benchmark, Summit County (On Dividing Line with Wasatch County), Utah - March 4, 2020


On March 4, 2020, I accomplished the first SOTA Activation of Park Benchmark, Utah.  While researching the vicinity of Park City, Utah, for a downhill ski trip, I was very surprised to learn that this easy to climb peak had not been Activated before.  Park Benchmark, W7U/SM-042, has an elevation of 9,363 feet, and fantastic 360 degree views of the mighty Wasatch and Western Uinta Mountain Ranges.

K7ATN's picture

Cole Mountain, OR | January 2020


Cole Mountain is a drive-up in the Coast Range south of Highway 26 off of Highway 53. The road is passable in any passenger car and it's a radio quiet spot.

K7ATN's picture

Peak 1700, OR | January 2020


We might call this Peterson Summit rather than Peak 1700 - it's a drive-up in the Coast Range about 20 miles north of Tillamook and 20 miles south of Cannon Beach. The road is totally "Prius-able" (passable in a passenger car).

K7ATN's picture

Red Cone, OR | June 2017


Here's another summit in Crater Lake National Park that accessed with a cross-country hike. The easiest ridge for ascent is near the angle of repose with loose red pumice-like scree on the upper slopes, giving Red Cone its name. Although only about 2.5 miles round trip, half of the 600 feet of gain is in the last quarter mile.

K7ATN's picture

Walker Mountain, OR | December 2019


Walker Mountain is a Southern Oregon summit that could be a drive-up for those with a fully capable 4x4. However, the roughest part is also the start of a decent hike and getting to that rough spot is easy with a vehicle with decent clearance. Note that there is another Walker Mountain in Oregon - this is the one near Grants Pass.

K7AGL's picture

Wahatis Peak, WA | Nov 2019


Whatatis Peak is directly North of the Hanford Reach National Monument. From Richland WA to the summit is just over 61 miles. You can drive very close to the summit, only the last little 1/4 mile kick up to the top peak is really treacherous. There is good parking at serveral locations off the access road to pull over to complete the summit on foot. I did a 2.5 mile hike to the top.