Summary - A short but very steep scramble up game trails will get you to the top of this very visible summit in the Toutle Range.
Exposed Trail
Peak 8740, Idaho | September 2023
Peak 8740 was first activated a month ago on 08 Aug 2023 by KJ7GRQ and N0DNF. This is a very straightforward “trailhead” from a rough dirt/gravel road. Definitely not Prius friendly and I wouldn’t take anything but a vehicle with more than standard clearance. Recent rains have created water channels, mud puddles and exposed rocks in places. 4WD is not required, however.
George Peak, Utah | August 2023
K7JTO first activated this summit in June 2020 along with Peak 9335 (W7U/BO-002) and Bull Mountain (W7U/B0-001). His write-up can be found in the Resources section of the SotaMaps peak reference. He provides a very good description of all the peaks along with some great pictures. The following is additional information that may help in planning.
Bull Mountain, Utah | August 2023
K7JTO first activated this summit in June 2020 along with Peak 9335 (W7U/BO-002) and George Peak (W7U/NU-045). His write-up can be found in the Resources section of the SotaMaps peak reference. He provides a very good description of all the peaks along with some great pictures. The following is additional information that may help in planning.
Peak 9335, Utah | August 2023
K7JTO first activated this summit in June 2020 along with George Peak (W7U/NU-045) and Bull Mountain (W7U/B0-001). His write-up can be found in the Resources section of the SotaMaps peak reference. He provides a very good description of all the peaks along with some great pictures. The following is additional information that may help in planning.
rattlesnake mountain or (north access) | july 2023
Summary - The hike (at least from the north) through the burn area is a sufferfest of deep, continuous treefall, exposure, and route finding. The trail is mostly gone and you must have a GPS and map or be very good with compass and map to avoid missing several crucial turns. As with most summits in this area, plan on HF to activate unless you know there are other SOTA ops in the area. Bottom line: skip this one, at least from the northern trailhead.
Fox Butte, OR| August 2023
Fox Butte is an easy activation IF you are equipped with HF. I wouldn't rely on 2M unless maybe you bring a yagi to help get your signal to Bend. The roads are in much better than expected shape, and other that the fact that it is a long drive, it was quite pleasant and any passenger car can make the trip.
Full report here
Red Cone, OR 2023
There is already some written on Red Cone. I find a lot of the CLNP hikes difficult in the soft pumice which this is, most of the way. I am putting my 2c in on the AZ. I went alone and was told the first summit is in the AZ. When I arrived it sure didn't look like it so I walked the saddle, checked the low point in the saddle, and it seemed about 110' below the true summit according to all my GPS and topo lines on the map. I also used N6ARA's AZ app and it too says the first peak is not in the AZ.
W7O/CS-159, OR 2023
This was short but very hard. Straight up off trail. Maybe there is an easier way but I doubt it. I started on the 1046B trail on the west side but it ends only about 500ft in so I just started climbing straight up. Soft, steep, forest duff that was hard to stay upright in and the I reached a outcropping of shale and boulder to carefully climb the final 150' before the AZ. Shaded. It is about 700' gain in .5 miles.No cell at all. I did decend through an open meadow which felt much safer, however, the plants started getting taller and taller and I got covered in burrs.
Mt Bailey, OR | July 2023
Mt. Bailey is a 5 mile, 3600 ft ascent with a few tricky sections to test your hiking mettle. There are two access points, one is easily reached via any passenger car, the other would require a high clearance vehicle and possibly all wheel/4 wheel drive. Its a beautiful hike, but can be hot and buggy so bring plenty of food/water and bug spray (Ben’s 30% DEET worked well for us). I would consider this an intermediate hike due to the elevation gain and some of the exposure, but bringing a new/young hiker along is reasonable with the proper support.