The payoff for this relatively short non-technical summit is huge! Fantastic 360° views from the summit. Closest prominent peaks include, Mount Baring, Glacier Peak and the Monte Cristo Group. I'd been to the summit of Beckler several times prior to learning of SOTA. I recalled the location of Beckler Peak was quite remote; there are no major towns within a 40 mile radius of the peak, and, Beckler is surrounded by many higher peaks.
Good Parking At Trailhead
SOTA Activation: Mission Peak, Chelan County / Kittitas County (on dividing line), Washington - May 9, 2015
Nice weather, good company and a successful Activation (including a summit to summit contact with VE7DB on VE7/FV-024) were high points. The route was not terribly ascetic, and the summit block is a large pile of Basalt talus. We elected to operate from the false summit to the southeast of the summit block. This was a joint Activation with Tim Nair, KG7EJT. Joining us was Masako, Tim's wife and Sharon, my wife. Rounding out the crew was Dexter the SOTA Dog.
W7PEA's First SOTA - Elk Rock W7W/LC-060
UPDATE July 2020: Elk Rock has been posted "No Trespassing" by Weyerhauser. See sign below.
This was my first attempt to activate a summit and all of this is a first attempt in terms of planning, tools used, the template I used to write this, etc. Let me know if there are other things you want to know about for future summits.
First Activation of Elbow Peak in the Teanaway Region!
This was our third hike to Elbow Peak; this time it was sunny! Wow! Incredible views of the east side of all the Snoqualmie Pass peaks, and the mighty Stuart Range. We only saw 2 other couples the entire day, so a very peaceful and beautiful hike in the Teanaway region. Only a few minor patches of snow at the 5000 foot level, and these were in the shady areas. No trouble passes them with only hiking poles.
Kepros Mountain, ID | April 2015
Attempt #1:
The rough road up to Kepros Mountain is only open during the fall hunting season. I had concidered attempting this peak with a friend who has one of those cool RZR 4x4's. However, that trip early last winter was called on account of bad weather. So I waited until Spring to make the first real attempt.
SOTA Activation: Squak Mountain, King County, Washington - March 26, 2015
A very nice springtime activation of Squak Mountain, 2,024 Feet, 617 Meters elevation, a 2 point SOTA summit. This was a return trip to work HF, as opposed the all 2M FM I used on my first activation of Squak, a little less than a year ago. We also ascended via the much less crowded East Ridge Trail, through nice old growth evergreen trees, and the lush green growth of spring. I highly recommend the East Ridge route on Squak!
"Quarter Wave" Activation - 4/25/2015
This is an easily accessed peak in an area that's currently undergoing logging activity. We went up on a Saturday and had the place to ourselves. The peak and ridge is rocky with a few trees and lot's of deer and elk sign. There is a pleasant view mostly to the east. The activation area is large with plenty of room for a dipole antenna.
Zephyr Ridge Point, Idaho | April 2015
K7MK and I headed out on a somewhat blustery spring day for our second ever activation. With snow still on higher peaks and Forest Service roads not opening up until April 30th we headed to this nearby 1 pointer. Per Google Earth and other satellite imagery we knew there was a private home on the actual summit. But, it had been activated once before and the terrain looked like we should be able to find a spot in the activation zone somewhere to setup. Actually getting to this summit is a bit of a navigation challenge.
Tiger Mountain, WA | May 2012
Tiger Mountain is in about the middle of the Tiger Mountain State Forest southeast of Issaquah. Access is via a gravel forest road and you may want to use a GPS or track your mileage as any signs may not lead you clearly to the summit.
Evening Activation of McCulloch Peak
McCulloch Peak is another great peak to actiavte if you are in the Corvallis area. It is reached by taking OR Hwy 99W north from Corvallis and turning left about 3 miles from town on Lewisburg Rd. Take Lewisburg road 1.3 miles and bear right onto Sulfur Springs Road. Proceed to the top of Lewisburg Saddle and head back down the hill. Near the bottom of the hill, which is Soap Creek valley, the road will take a 180 degree right turn. This point is 3.9 miles from Hwy99. Stay straight turning onto the gravel road.