Shady Trail

Decent tree cover for most of the trail
K7MAS's picture

SOTA Activation - Tumalo Mountain, Deschutes County, Oregon - April 7, 2016



3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 = Three Activations in three days with three, 3X3 (weak signal) contacts, amongst about 50 contacts overall.  During an early Spring vacation in the Bend, Oregon area, we enjoyed all that Central Oregon is famous for!  Good spring skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, SOTA Activations, and a sampling of several of the more than 80 breweries that exist in the greater Bend area.  This report, number 2 of 3, deals with the Activation of Tumalo Mountain, 7,775 feet, 2,370 meters.

K7MAS's picture

SOTA Activation: Occidental Peak, Los Angeles County, California - January 29, 2016


On midwinter trip to Southern California to visit family, once again we set aside time for several SOTA Activations.  This report details the Activation of Occidental Peak, very close to the famous Mount Wilson Observatory.  I has previously Activated the adjacent San Gabriel Peak, and had observed Occidental close by.

AE7AP's picture

Strawberry Butte - Drive-up or hike/bike/ski - near Helena (2014 activation)


This is a drive-up to an old USFS fire lookout that should be accessible to most vehicles, although the road is somewhat rutted.  There is a picnic table located on the spacious, forested summit that makes for a comfortable operating position.  The road is closed to vehicles fr

K7ATN's picture

Mud Creek Ridge, OR | January 2016


Mud Creek Ridge is a summit by Trillium Lake near Mount Hood that's good for a short backcountry snowshoe. Since there doesn't appear to be a trail, the best bet is to wait for three to five feet of snow to cover the brush and downed trees.

K7ATN's picture

Pistol Butte, Oregon | Dec 2015


Here's a 1.1 mile one-way hike with 800 feet of gain just a ways south of Bend, Oregon. It's got some great views and a nice summit with a bit of lookout history.

K7ATN's picture

Goat Mountain, OR | Nov 2015


Goat Mountain is a reasonable easy summit to access that's not too far from Portland. For anything but high clearance vehicles, the last 1.5 miles to the summit will be on foot, but it's not too far. This site is popular with OHV as I saw seven in two hours on a chilly and damp November weekend.

Start from Molalla, Oregon at the four way stop downtown and go 15.8 miles east on Highway 211. Turn right on Hillockburn Road and go past a group of three gates where the paved road continues through the open gate in the middle.

K7ATN's picture

Sheridan Peak, OR | November 2015


Sheridan Peak is on the east side of the coast range, about 23 miles from Carlton, Oregon. Carlton itself is quite out of the way, being about 12 miles east of Newberg. But it's a nice short hike of about half a mile through some nice second growth woods, and the road is paved the whole way! (I.e.: if your GPS takes you to gravel, it's not the right way...)

WB4SPB's picture

Western Mountain (ME) activation as WB4SPB/1, 10/1/2015


Home is Tacoma, WA, but since I acquired lightweight QRP gear a couple of years ago, I’ve been tempted to take it with me when I travel. I finally did so, on a trip to visit family in New England.

WB4SPB's picture

Green Mountain activation with K7ZG, 9/13/2015


This second day of the NA SOTA Weekend dawned wet and misty, but with the promise (unfulfilled, as it turned out) of clearing at some point, and it wasn't really raining.  So Joe K7ZG drove us to Green Mountain, where we intended to find the road that allows a drive-up to a parking area somewhat below the summit.  I thought this road was north of the Gold Creek Trail trailhead parking area, but I wasn't sure how far or how it would be marked. We turned around before we got to it (as we learned later, see below), and decided to just do the entire hike.