W7W Salmoncon SOTA Activation & Campout

K7ATN's picture

Date of Event: July 8, 2023
The aim is for multiple activations from W7W peaks around 12:00 Hrs local time.

Emphasis is on W7W peaks along the I-90 corridor, S2S contacts and contacts with K7S (Salmoncon special event station). We also want to promote S2S and chaser contacts on 146.56 Mhz. Use of close in bands of 60, 40 and 30m is also encouraged to aid S2S and Chasers in the Pacific Northwest.

This will be an adjunct to the Salmoncon Campout \from July 7 thru July 9. See https://www.pnwqrp.org/salmoncon


 for more info.

Camping is available at Valley Camp where Salmoncon is held. There is camping available for tents and RV’s. RVs should arrange reservations with Valley Camp https://www.valleycamp.org


. Tent camping is on an expansive grassy area and most likely available by just showing up and checking in.

SOTA ops are welcome to proceed directly to their chosen peaks or gather first in the AM at Valley Camp. Gathering will allow vehicle sharing and allow any operators who are new to SOTA to tag along with more experienced Ops. Gathering time should be between 7AM and 8AM so as to allow travel time to the peaks and activation around 12:00 local. SOTA Ops are also encouraged to stop by Valley Camp post activations and join in the Valley Camp activities including a traditional group evening meal. Since camping is available, SOTA ops might find it an interesting overnight stay and might want to join in the Sunday activities of Salmoncon.

Bill Burrows WA7NCL