NS7P's picture

Notes on Grouse Mountain


Not activated.  I spoke to the FS ranger for that area, and he told me that there are no trails to the summit; and that it would be a hard, steep bushwhack to the top.  Furthermore, a road that heads around the side of the mountain is pretty rough for a car.  On 7/11/12 we looked the mountain over in person and decided that for now we will take the ranger's advice and skip it.

NS7P's picture

Fairview Peak 7/11/12 Trip Report by NS7P


Bohemia Mountain and Fairview peak are adjacent to each other and make a good activation pair.  They are nearly 6000' ASL and are among the highest W7/WV summits.  The views from the top of either one are wonderful.  Bohemia is the higher of the two and is a moderately easy hike, while Fairview is a drive up with a fire lookout on top.

NS7P's picture

Bohemia Mtn 7/11/12 Trip Report by NS7P


Bohemia Mountain and Fairview peak are adjacent to each other and make a good activation pair.  They are nearly 6000' ASL and are among the highest W7/WV summits.  The views from the top of either one are wonderful.  Bohemia is the higher of the two and is a moderately easy hike, while Fairview is a drive up with a fire lookout on top.  My wife, Christina, accompanied me on these two activations on Wednsday, July 11, 2011.

KX7L's picture

Gold Mountain 7/8/12


Decided to kick it up a notch this time, (but only one notch) and do a 4 pointer.  But feeling a bit lazy I went looking for a 4-pointer that I could reach without a really long hike.  Gold Mountain, just east of Darrington, fits the bill.  I headed north from downtown Darrington on SR530, and then east on Sauk Prairie Rd.  After a couple miles, turned south on FS24 (pretty good gravel road), and after 4 or 5 miles turned right on FS2420 (OK gravel road with a few potholes to dodge).

KK7DS's picture

Goat Mountain (no, the other one)


A six-point SOTA on a Wednesday? You bet! The July 4th holiday made for a nice mid-week excursion to the hills to one of Washington's fourteen Goat Mountains. This one was twelve miles north of Mt. St. Helens.

After getting stopped at a closed forest road in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, we rerouted and arrived at the trailhead for Goat Mountain Trail #217 a little late. As soon as we stepped out of the Jeep, we knew that we were in for a bloody battle against the "skeeters." I think I was a pint low before I even started climbing.

HG1DUL's picture

An easy summit on the hard way


2011-10-15 Mount Fremont W7/RS-005 CN96DW92

Start elev.: 4291 ft (1308 m)
Max elev.: 7324 ft (2232 m)
Total ascent: 3342 ft (1019 m)
Trip odometer: 11.4mi (18.347km) Up: 5.8mi (9.334km) Down: 5.6mi (8.012km)
Total time: 12h25m Up: 5h33m Down: 2h58m

N7AAM's picture

Central Oregon - Lookout Mountain


A good dirt/gravel goes all the way to the top.  There is a small radio tower, container and photo cell structure.  Park somewhere down the hill and make the final hike to the top.  There is good cell coverage and I was able to self spot.  The top is forested so the view is through trees to the Sisters and Mt. Bachelor to the north.

I did not spend a lot of time at the top since the mosquitos were out in force. 

This is an easy 6 pointer but remember to bring your bug spray if you are there in summer.



K7TAY's picture

Red Mountain Lookout


6.8 miles roundtrip
1761 ft elevation gain
Start elevation: 3463 ft
End elevation: 4962 ft

We parked at Falls Creek Horsecamp off Forest Road 65, about 16 miles north of Carson, WA. A call to the Gifford Pinchot National Headquarters a day earlier revealed 3-4 feet of snow at a berry patch just north of Red Mountain at a similar elevation. Begrudgingly, we attached our snowshoes to the back of our packs and then started out on Race Track Trail #171. After a short distance we encountered a kiosk that told us to bury our poop and fill out a wilderness use permit. We dropped a copy in the box and safely tucked away our copy for when a Ranger approached asking to see it.

HG1DUL's picture

"Jungle fight" over 6000 feet


2011-09-24 Palisades Peak W7/RS-008 CN96EW77

Start elev.: 6111 ft (1863 m)
Max elev.: 7083 ft (2159 m)
Total ascent: 3078 ft (938 m)
Trip odometer: 9.3mi (14.967km) Up: 4.8mi (7.725km) Down: 4.5mi (7.242km)
Total time: 11h07m Up: 4h Down: 2h45m

Get up soon after 0400. Quick shower and on my way to the garage, to get the car. I packed my backpack Friday afternoon and put some other stuff (GPS, camera, boots, etc.) into a shopping bag. I only had to get dressed and grab the two packs on the morning. My pack weight about 50lbs. I have measured it to be around 49 without the antenna which is in the car and weighs about 2 pounds. Again I will take about 100oz of fluid with me. However, this time I head to a McDrive for breakfast first on the morning. This is what I usually do before hikes. Get two egg sausage McMuffins, which usually last till noon. I take some coke with me and throw a RedBull on the back seat. Maybe it will be good when I get back to the car. 0508 I already drive south on I-5. It is still dark and there is some traffic, but not much.

KG7E's picture

Big Southern Butte, ID | June 2012


This is probably the easiest summit to locate in Idaho.  It is a volcanic dome that rises 2500 feet in the middle of the Snake River Lava Plain. You can't miss it.  I accessed it from the ARCO approach, a drive of about 20 miles across a dusty BLM desert road which brought me to the base.  Here I unloaded my ATV and rode up the summit trail which is 5 miles one way. A really fine and popular ATV trail ride.  The trail ends at the very peak where there is a viewing platform and stinky outhouse.