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Buckneck Mountain, OR 2023

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Spotty, may not work at all
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Buckneck starts off by taking the Rogue-Umpqua divide trail from the west. The trail is pretty nice. There was one part I got off track due to many down trees and unable to tell which was trail. I tried to correct this with moving some branches and logs on my way back out. Even though this trail is nice, I still don't recommend this summit due to the final ascend of about 300'. You have to switchback off trail and ascend up the north ridge. It is all serious windblown burn scar that is being took over by young western hemlock. It was so steep and hard to climb up through the large downed trees. I was also hot and tired, done for the day. This was one I sure was glad some had already arrived at camp and I only needed 2m. Some nice view if you can overlook the snags, but I'm not going back...


de AG7GP
