ViewVoting details

Saddle Mountain, WA | Sep 2018

WU7H's picture
Voice Cellular Coverage: 
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage: 
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider: 
APRS Coverage: 
Full two-way messaging


This is an easy 2 point drive up with great views! From Hoodsport, head north on highway 119 along the east shore of Lake Cushman. Take a right at about MP 7.7 onto (unsigned) Prices Lake Rd and through a yellow gate. Prices Lake Rd. is paved for 1/2 mile and then turns to gravel. The road is good and most any car should make it with careful driving. Check the FS topo maps for full directions. From the turn off of highway 119 it took me about 20 mins to get to the summit. Parking not a problem on the summit, lots of space. The summit is clear cut with large piles of debris. The views are good! Note that Garmin, SOTA Atlas and Google Maps DO NOT show the summit road.

I also went up on Saddle Mtn. to scout it out - I was planning to activate the next day. Once I was there I figured I'd give it a shot with my H/T (the only radio I had with me), and I was pleased to make contact with several of our W7W regulars. It was raining heavily, so I didn't linger very long. I did come back to this area the next day (with HF gear) to activate two more summits. See trip reports for Duplex Summit and Dow Mtn. All three are do-able in one day.

Topo Map of the Area
View from Saddle Mountain
Gate on Prices Lake Rd