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Pansy Mountain, OR - October 2023

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Don't know

Pansy Mountain has not been activated since the 2021 fires.  I originally intended to do both Pansy Mountain and Bull of the Woods, but I did not get an early enough start for a late autumn hike.  Getting there is straight forward.  A high clearance vehicle is helpful for a couple of sections, but it is probably not absolutely necessary.  Follow the directions from the Forest Service:


The hike is easy up to the saddle at the junction of Trail #558.  From here, proceed in a Southwest direction.  The fire helped clear the underbrush, but the hike is still steep.  It gains roughly 800 feet in 0.3 miles.  I was following a set of elk tracks up the mountain and noticed it was having trouble with traction in the steep areas.  Some shrubbery would have been nice.  Halfway up, there is a cliff with a notch to scramble through.  After this, the trees become denser.  Once on the ridge turn south for a relatively easy hike with exposure on both sides.  I tried a slightly different path on the descent, but got a little close to some cliffs.  If you look at the GPS map below, I recommend following the more northerly path.   


The summit still has some tall trees for antennas.


Edit 7/10/2024:

I activated the summit again this year in July.  Lots of nice wildflowers and running streams for cooling water.  Here is a GPS route that is probbly the best way to summit.




Pansy Mountain Ridge
Pansy Mountain Map