
AE7AP's picture

Shearer Peak, ID | September, 2020


18.5-miles, +4,700 ft; -5,300 From Elk Mountain TH

3.5 miles, +800, - 1,500 ft ft from Trail 562 Junction

I activated this on the 13th day of a 15-day backpacking from the Elk Mountain Trailhead, via Mink Ridge & Marten Creek with a side-trip up Marten Creek to Marten Hot springs; but the route description is the more direct route across Goat Creek and along the Square Rock & Moose Ridge.

KL0NP's picture

Mount Saint Helens, WA | March 2021


This was the second activation of LC-001 for both WE7CAT and KL0NP.  The first year WE7CAT had just gotten her tech license and was too shy to talk on the radio.  The next year she activated it without me with using an Anytone 878 with stock rubber duck antenna and was able to do a S2S with me while I was on Mt. Townsend in the Olympics.  This year WE7CAT/AE had just passed her Extra Class exam, and was ready to make contacts. 


AE7AP's picture

Wylies Peak, ID | September, 2020


10.7-miles, +3,800 ft; -2,900 From Elk Mountain TH

1.2 miles, +1,000 ft from Trail 562 Junction

I activated this on the 12th day of a 15-day backpacking from the Elk Mountain Trailhead, via Mink Ridge & Marten Creek with a side-trip up Marten Creek to Marten Hot springs; but the route description is the more direct route across Goat Creek and along the Square Rock ridge that we took on our way out.

AE7AP's picture

Vermillion Peak, ID | August, 2020


24.2 miles, +7,500 ft; - 6,800 From Elk Mountain TH

5.2 miles, +3,800; -500 ft from Buck Lake Creek

AE7AP's picture

Disgrace Butte, ID | August, 2020


22-miles, +6,200 ft; - 6,500 From Elk Mountain TH

3.0 miles, +2,400 ft from Buck Lake Creek

K7VK's picture

Horseshoe Lookout (6985), Idaho - 19July2018


This summit is the old Horseshoe Lookout Site. It had a primitive platform on a rock pinnacle from 1921-1961. A standard L-4 structure, 1962-1983. Both structures succumbed to wildfires and were not rebuilt.  Concrete blocks from the L-4 lookout remain.  The access road, USFS #588 is 4 miles off FS #500.

KL0NP's picture

Blue Mt, WA | March 2021


The winter activation is much more challenging than the summer one.  In the summer, it is a drive-up until the last quarter-mile walk.  In the winter the road is closed 9 miles down at 2000' elevation. So that means and 4000' climb over 8 miles up. 

AG7GP's picture

Little Grayback Mountain, OR February 2021


Little Grayback has been another summit I have been eyeing for a while as I am slowly getting familiar with this area around Applegate Lake. I always looked at approaching it from the westside, near the lake but looking closer and after doing neighboring Baldy Peak and having no snow issues, I noticed that the eastside, Upper Little Grayback TH, looked much shorter and approachable. This is FS trail #921. KJ7GFN, Joell, and I did our planning for this pretty much the day before, both leaving from our off grid locations Sunday morning.

K7DDC's picture

A quick trip up Highwire


After a bit of a hiatus, K7IAJ and I made a quick trip up highwire this afternoon. We wanted to make a quick trip up something that would be an easy objective. We originally chose Haystack Moutanin, but access was restricted, and the permitting wasn't clear: permits were listed as unavailable on the website/sold out, and they would be sold in April.

AE7AP's picture

Peak 7407, MT | May, 2018


3.5-miles, +1160 ft; From Pipestone Pass TH

This is a pleasant hike along the Continental Divide Trail that begins near the summit of Pipestone Pass (paved, and plowed).  It is also a POTA “2-Fer” (Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF & CDT) if you activate within 100-feet of the CDT.  It is also located on the northern edge of the historic Thompson Park area, which is a unique congressionally designated Municipal Recreation Area that includes much history related to the Milwaukee Road (Railroad).