
K7WXW's picture

2646, OR | December 2020


Summary - Drive up summit. A long drive, so do it with other hills in the area. Easy to make 2M contacts and APRS spots. Not a good spot for an extended stay, I'd leave the HF gear in the truck. 2646 is on Weyerhauser land and there are gates to navigate. See my entry on Trask (NC-003) for more info.  

K7WXW's picture

Trask Mountain, OR | December 2020


Summary - An easy, if not terribly scenic drive to the trailhead and a short hike to the summit. Travel time to the trailhead was almost two hours.  VHF contacts were easy, as was APRS spotting. Trask is on public land but the route I followed goes through a Weyerhauser gate.

K7AGL's picture

Wolf Point, OR (South Access) Nov 2020


K7EEX trip report for Wolfe Point ( mentioned a possible south trail.  This report confirms a south access to Wolfe Point.

If coming from Cedar Butte activation, turn off of the road at: N45.57747° W123.63990°.  Park at N45.57731° W123.61891° the trail looks like a small drainage (see pic).  It is not maintained and hard to follow in places but you can get to the top from this south access.


K7AGL's picture

Underwood Mountain OR | Dec 2020


Underwood Mountain is a 2 pt summit Northwest of Underwood, WA across the river Northwest from Hood River Oregon. The start point is about 4.5 miles off of highway 14.  It is an easy 3 mile hike to the summit with 1400 ft elevation gain on forest roads closed to motor vehicles. There is a short 250 foot doable bushwack to the summit. It would be a very feasible mountain bike activation.

K7VK's picture

Oreana Ridge - Montana 14July2020


Oreana Ridge is a picturesque summit with scattered trees, grass/forb land, an old US Forest Service L-4 Lookout and a log garage.  There are fine views of high peaks in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness and the steep slopes of Salmon River breaks.   The lookout built in

K7VK's picture

Tincup Hill - Idaho 13July2020


Tincup Hill summit is a large flat area covered by a regenerated old clearcut of 15-30’ tall lodgepole pine.  There are also some mining exploration shallow-trenches cut into the summit area and access ridge.  The hike is through easy terrain lacking in downfall or high brush. Trees are available to attach wire antennas.

AG7GP's picture

Wilcox Peak, OR Dec 2020


Looking at maps, I took off for a morning hike to Wilcox Peak figuring there would be a gate part way down the hill. Surprisingly you can drive pretty much just into the AZ. The road finishes at a turnaround/shooting area, unfortunately with a lot of trash. Wish I took some large bags with me, putting it on my list as trash really bothers me in the woods!

AG7GP's picture

Chinquapin Mountain, OR June/Dec 2020


I did Chinquapin in June and Dec, both in the snow as there was a freak storm in June when I went up. Both times I have gone, I have come from N. Chinquapin Mountain Rd off of E Hyatt Lake Rd. Some maps say W. Chinquapin but monument  sign says North. Not sure if there is access the other side? The first time I did it after activating Greens Springs Mtn., 2nd time I did it after doing Table Mountain. A lot of SOTA up in this country! Everytime we go up in this area we stop for some lunch at Hyatt Lake Resort too. Nice place to take a break and spectacular views.

AG7GP's picture

Green Springs Mt, OR June/Dec 2020


UPDATE: See uploaded track "better track" on sotamaps for best route I have found so far. 



KI7EMX's picture

Arizona 100 Point Whirlwind SOTA Vacation | May 2020

13 Peaks in 5 Days

I had planned a vacation with my son in Gilbert, Arizona the first week of November 2020 and asked if he could find a few  SOTA summits we could activate together. I also flew my daughter in from out-of-state to join us.  This is how it actually turned out:

Tuesday, November 3rd - Pinal Peak (W7A/AW-009) gravel road drive-up:  8 Contacts

Wednesday, November 4th - Christopher Mountain (W7A/AW-024) very rough access road & .5 mile hike: 13 Contacts