This summary is for two summits...Joell, KJ7GFN and I started our SOTA trip about 1.5 hrs before daylight, I was hoping to get to the first summit, Smith Rock (also Sky Lakes Wilderness for WWFF), while dx was still happening to EU. We dressed preparing for a freezing morning, forecast was at 20-25f low in the area, figured even cooler at 6000'. I wore the warmest of everything I had since I get cold very easily. But we were fooled! Some sort of an inversion in the mountains was happening and I am guessing it was more around 50-55!
Golden Mountain - Montana 24May2020
One-day triple-summits activation. A good US Forest Service road system gets one close enough to activate three summits easily in one day, a bit rare in Western Montana. The other two summits, Burnt Mountain (W7M/GA-145) and Babcock Mountain (W7M/GA-146) are accessible via short hikes from the same US Forest Service road system.
Idaho Oct 2020 / Summit 7081
This summit is located South of Pocatello Idaho. Take Bannock Highway through town and turn at Gibson Jack Rd. The Trailhead is approx 3 miles on paved road. Once at the Gibson Jack TH take either trail 7015 which is a steep, exposed motorized trail...I would only take a dirt bike or 4 wheeler due to the condition of the trail or you can take single track non-motorized trail number 7014 which is longer but less exposed. I generally choose to hike the motorized trail due to time constraints.
Indian Mountain , Idaho/ April 2020….UPDATED July 2022
Indian Mtn is South of Pocatello Idaho. Travel to Mink Creek Recreation Area Rd. Take a left and head South on Mink Creek Road several miles.You will see a sign saying Kinney Creek Trailhead on your left. There will be a trail heading East following the creek. About 3 miles up the creek watch for a single 4x4 board going across the creek which connects to a single track trail that will lead you to the summit of Indian Mountain. . It is all exposed.
Idaho- August 4, 2020 / Summit 8037
I have been doing SOTA now since Dec. 2018..with the Winter months on the way I thought that I would submit summit info here in SE Idaho. I am about the only station here that actively participates in SOTA so I thought I would pass these along..let me know if you are ever in the area and want to do some summits..or shoot me a email if you have any questions.....73's Bill-N0DNF.....
Peak 2020, OR | August 2020
Peak 2020 is relatively easy-to-access summit near the city of Tillamook on BLM land. It's nearly or fully drive up depending on your transport. From the look of the area, it's probably a known go-to spot for offroaders and hunters in the local forest who want a good view and a place for an evening fire.
Kerby Peak, OR | Oct 2020
Kerby Peak is a summit that can be reached on a very well maintained trail with good instructions and descriptions already on the web:
The Hike:
The Trail head:
It’s rocky on top so I suggest bringing your own antenna support.
Brandy Peak, OR | Oct 2020
Brandy Peak is a short hike on a good trail. It is accessible in any vehicle. It’s not close to a population center. You knew there was a catch. The views from the top are spectacular and 360 degrees. It might be on your shuttle route if you are running the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue or the Illinois Rivers. Road is closed in winter.
Bear Camp Summit (4300), OR | Oct 2020
Bear Camp Summit is a name I have given this peak which is just off of Bear Camp Road (NF-23). Bear Camp road is famous to river runners as the shuttle road when doing the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue river. It is infamous for the Kim family tragedy. Don't attempt this activation in winter.
Cedar Springs Mountain, OR | Oct 2020
Cedar Springs Mountain is a peak near Grants Pass that is an easy walk from a locked gate, 1.7 miles round trip with 500 feet of elevation gain. There is communications equipment on the summit, but I suffered no RFI because of it. It has a nice operating point with lots of options for stringing antennas including large and small trees and the communications area fence posts. I found an all natural pole support. View is nice, but is blocked a bit by the trees so a bit of walking around is needed to see it all.