
K7VK's picture

Montana - Blackrock Peak 5July2018


Blackrock Peak is named for the dark gray to black lichens growing on the summit boulder field.  The rock itself is mostly light tan-colored and from a distance the dark lichen patterns appear like large stationary cloud shadows draped over the summit and adjoining ridges.

K7AHR's picture

4100 Circuitboard Mountain, WA |


The first of three activations in a weekend - if you can activate this one, I recommend several other peaks in the area as well. This was a first activation, so subsequent attempts may find better routes.


I planned a weekend with three summits in a day, and by all accounts probably could have managed if it weren't for a few things.

Getting there:

WJ7WJ's picture

Sisi Butte, OR | June 2020



The Skinny:

 Trail head: 44.9022, -121.7979

 Trail Turn: 44.8958, -121.8424

 Hike Distance : 6 miles round trip

 Hike Elevation gain: 1600 ft


The Story:

K7VK's picture

Idaho – Bad Luck Mountain 23June2018


Bad Luck Mountain is an old US Forest Service Lookout site that had a structure from 1939 till about 1980.  Only a few concrete blocks remain today.  The summit is mostly forested now with 25-40 year-old Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine.  Open grassland falls steeply from the summit to the south.

AE7AP's picture

Peak 6730, MT| June, 2020


2.8 mi, +1,200 feet, -200 feet

The hike to this summit is off-trail through a thick lodgepole and fir forest.  Although the undergrowth is only calf high, there is a moderate amount of deadfall through most of the hike, which makes for slower going.

NR7Y's picture

3442 (NC-066), May 2020


NC-066, in my head named "Souther Saddle" (even though it's not part of a saddle pair), was a nice bike ride into Stimson forest land. This peak forms the lower point of a triangle between South Saddle NC-002 and NC-065, commonly a paired activation. One could easily do both NC-065 and 066 in a day, provided enough time to hike or bike this route. There are also a number of other nearby peaks on the way in/out of the forest area that could be paired if you had time in the day.

WA7JNJ's picture

Blue Mountain (Snohomish County), WA | June 2020


There are many Blue Mountain's, and this one is located in Snohomish County, WA and just east of Sultan.  From parking gate to summit, it involves a 3 mile road hike (6.1 miles round-trip), and ~1,300 feet of gain.  There are some views along the way, and limited views from the summit. With the summit being heavily wooded, I activated near the tower (west / northwest of the summit and ~40 feet below summit per CalTopo map).  Was able to spot from the summit, but AT&T service was not consistent.


AE7AP's picture

Peak 7497, MT| May, 2020


4.8 mi, +1,870 feet, -600 feet

This is a nice hike on a good trail with great views – particularly of the Red Mountain & Caribou Mountain regions of the Scapegoat Wilderness.  This hike is close enough to the Scapegoat Wilderness that it is prudent to be Bear-Aware.


KF7SEY's picture

Bald Mtn, OR | May 2020


Bald Mountain has been a great activation in the past for me. Still is just is a little more difficult. The way before is not accessable now due to Hancock who owns most the area keeps there gates closed and only allows non-motorized access. Easist way to aproach now is via Falls City on Valsetz Road. follow Valsetz Mainline for roughly 7.5 miles. Remember this area is closed during fire season. After roughly 7.5 miles you will find 1500 road on the left at 44°49'21.73"N 123°32'2.15"W (44.822703° -123.533931°). Follow this road for about 3 miles and will come down a steep hill.

AE7AP's picture

Bear Mountain, MT| May, 2020


2.9 mi, +1,800 feet, -200 feet