Cole Mountain is a drive-up in the Coast Range south of Highway 26 off of Highway 53. The road is passable in any passenger car and it's a radio quiet spot.
K7ATN's blog
Peak 1700, OR | January 2020
We might call this Peterson Summit rather than Peak 1700 - it's a drive-up in the Coast Range about 20 miles north of Tillamook and 20 miles south of Cannon Beach. The road is totally "Prius-able" (passable in a passenger car).
Red Cone, OR | June 2017
Here's another summit in Crater Lake National Park that accessed with a cross-country hike. The easiest ridge for ascent is near the angle of repose with loose red pumice-like scree on the upper slopes, giving Red Cone its name. Although only about 2.5 miles round trip, half of the 600 feet of gain is in the last quarter mile.
Walker Mountain, OR | December 2019
Walker Mountain is a Southern Oregon summit that could be a drive-up for those with a fully capable 4x4. However, the roughest part is also the start of a decent hike and getting to that rough spot is easy with a vehicle with decent clearance. Note that there is another Walker Mountain in Oregon - this is the one near Grants Pass.
Fielder Mountain, OR | December 2019
Fielder Mountain is an easy 'road' summit in Southern Oregon. With several large RF sites at the top, the road is passable in a passenger car all the way to the summit - however a gate may put you on foot for the last portion.
Nugget Butte, OR | Posted No Trespassing
You can find Nugget Butte just north of Gold Hill Oregon. Use Exit 40 from I-5, head to US 99, Then up Gustaf Street to the gate. There has been local knowledge that arranged access in the past, but without permission, do not activate.
Rocky Benchmark, OR | Posted No Trespassing
Just south of Pistol River, Oregon take the Carpenterville Road about 8 miles south. This summit is posted "No Trespassing" except for members of the Southern Curry Dirt Riders Association.
Peak 740, OR (Lost Dog Hill) | December 2019
Update February 2021 - Lost Dog Road is now gated with no motorized vehicles allowed. It's only a one mile road walk to the AZ.
This is a very much out of the way summit, along Highway 101 on the Oregon Coast, about 14 miles north of Bandon. Note that there are other Peak 740 in Oregon - make sure this one is your intended peak.
Wildcat Mountain, OR | December 2019
NOTE in January 2021 there was a NO TRESPASSING sign posted on the Stimson Gate Placard. See photo below.
There are FOUR Wildcat Mountains in Oregon, so be sure you want the North Coast version south of Highway 26. The road to the trailhead is short and easy in any passenger vehicle, there's a good spot to park, and summit is in the Tillamook Forest, although the shortest access crosses private timberland. The hike is about 1.5 miles one way, and 400 vertical feet gain. This description I consider the 'no bushwack' version.
Sweet Spring Mountain, OR | No Access
Sweet Spring Mountain and other summits on the north side of North Fork Road east of Lyons, Oregon are on private forest land and there is no access. Other summits that cannot be accessed in this area could include: