Henline Mountain and other summits on the north side of North Fork Road east of Lyons, Oregon cannot be accessed from the east as the roads are gated at private forest land on that side. Other summits that cannot be accessed from that side could include:
K7ATN's blog
Peak 4432 , OR | No Access
Peak 4432 and other summits on the north side of North Fork Road east of Lyons, Oregon are on private forest land and there is no access. Other summits that cannot be accessed in this area could include:
House Mountain, OR | No Access
House Mountain and other summits on the north side of North Fork Road east of Lyons, Oregon are on private forest land and there is no access. Other summits that cannot be accessed in this area could include:
Cape Horn, OR | No Access
There is no access to Cape Horn via NW Cape Horn Road - about a mile from the summit the public road becomes a gated driveway and you can get no closer.
Peak 2260, OR | November 2019
UPDATE Dec 2022: There is now a closed (unsigned) gate a ways up Mills Bridge Road. It is recommended to park on the highway and this activation becomes an 8 mile RT. 2200 foot gain road walk.
Boiler Ridge, OR | Permit Required for Access
The gate with access to Boiler Ridge from near Camp 18 on Highway 26 (mp 18) is now posted "Permit Required" for all access. These permits may be expensive ($300 motorized and $75 non-motorized) and challenging to obtain (appears to sell out quickly). https://recreation.weyerhaeuser.com/Permits
Eagle Cap, OR | September 2019
Eagle Cap is a gem of the Eagle Cap Wilderness of the Wallowa Mountains of Northeast Oregon. We approached from Lostine, Oregon for a total hike of about 20 miles (32km) round trip and 4,000 feet of gain (1220m). The trail is rocky in places and often steep. We enjoyed an overnight stay in the Lakes Basin with a side trip to Eagle Cap. Only some of the 19 ten-point summits in the Wallowas have an established trail - this peak is very approachable, despite the long hike required.
Mount Maguire, BC | July 2019
Here is Eric's (VA7NX) activation story about Mount Maguire. It was a difficult session but ended with a pleasant surprise.
Crater Peak, OR | August 2019
Crater Peak is a pleasant trail hike in Crater Lake National Park. It's been covered in a trip report by Phil-NS7P, so this should be considered a supplement. It's about 6.4 miles round trip, and although the sign at the trailhead says 765 feet of gain, that's net - the gross is more like 1,364 feet with all the ups and downs along the trail.
Lookout Mountain, OR | August 2019
One of the many summits named "Lookout Mountain" in Oregon - this one is west of Sunriver and is a near drive-up with a half-mile road walk and about 200 feet of gain. It's also easy to reach by following GPS map directions.