Easy Trail

Trail contains no technical obstacles
WA7JNJ's picture

Skagit Gadget, WA | February 2020


Skagit Gadget is a 1-point summit, located within ~20 minutes of I-5 in Skagit County.  Some of the area has been logged, and it is a 4 mile road hike with ~700 ft of gain.  Both times I've actived as a second summit for the day, and was thankful to squeeze in enough vhf contacts before a new UTC day rollover.  Trees are starting to grow near the summit activation area, but there are some views at summit...and more views hiking up.  


WU7H's picture

Burnaby Mountain, BC | FEB 2020


You are in Vancouver for a short time, and want to activate a summit. Where to go? Burnaby Mountain!!

Burnaby Mountain Park is located just 30 minutes east of downtown Vancouver BC. The park offers scenic views, hiking trails, sculptures, and gardens. It also happens to be an easy one-point SOTA summit! It might be the easiest summit in Canada, eh? Most importantly it offers great views and interesting sculpture to keep your significant other / non-ham friends busy while you play radio.

WJ7WJ's picture

PEAK 1380, OR | FEB 2020


Here is an easy drive up near Cole Mountain. Unpaved roads are good gravel with a few pot holes here and there. Should be alright in any vehicle as of this writing. My Garmin gps and google maps were worthless finding this summit. So here is my attempt to make it easier for the next activator.

K7ATN's picture

Peak 1093, OR (Eagle Crest) | February 2020


Here's an unremarkable drive-up summit in the mid-Willamette Valley west of Salem.

K7ATN's picture

Cole Mountain, OR | January 2020


Cole Mountain is a drive-up in the Coast Range south of Highway 26 off of Highway 53. The road is passable in any passenger car and it's a radio quiet spot.

K7ATN's picture

Peak 1700, OR | January 2020


We might call this Peterson Summit rather than Peak 1700 - it's a drive-up in the Coast Range about 20 miles north of Tillamook and 20 miles south of Cannon Beach. The road is totally "Prius-able" (passable in a passenger car).

AE7AP's picture

Mount Humbug, MT| June, 2019


0.2 mi, +190 feet

AE7AP's picture

Peak 6333, MT| May, 2019


1.3 mi, +780 feet