Easy Trail

Trail contains no technical obstacles
AE7AP's picture

Signal Mtn, MT | August, 2016


1.7 miles, +1,260 ft, -160 ft (From Lake Levale); 18.8 mile approach from Silvertip TH

NO6E's picture

Copycat visits Roman Nose


After going "0-for-Powers" last week, I decided to lick my wounds with an easier activation.  Shamelessly, I cribbed from the recent visit by Phil, NS7P, to Roman Nose Mountain.

Roman Nose is almost TOO easy.  One can drive all but the last half-mile or so.  I parked another 1/2 mile before the locked gate, to ease my conscience.  (There's no specific distance of hike required.  Personally, I aim for at least a mile or so.  If you're young and vigorous, you might want to be tougher on yourself).

K7ZO's picture

Mount Harrison, Idaho by K7ZO | November 2016


On November 11, 2016 I was making a blitz trip from Boise down to City of Rocks to activate it in the ARRL’s National Parks on the Air program. I had always wanted to run up to Mt. Harrison and had just enough time in my schedule to do so. I had read W7IMC’s short summary of his 2013 trip, as found on the SOTA Summit Summary. A paved drive up to a 6 pointer! In Idaho! Hard to believe and it is likely the only one of its kind. Sure enough that is what it is.

KG7EJT's picture

Successful 2m-FM Activation of Tiffany Mountain, Okanogan County, Washington July 3, 2016


Tiffany Mountain’s 8242 foot summit classifies it as a 10 point SOTA summit. With only a few exceptions, 10 point summits in the W7W association are technical climbs, or exposed Class 3 or 4 scrambles.

NS7P's picture

Dec 1, 2016 activation of "Peak 1094" by NS7P


I finally got an activation completed today (Dec 1, 2016).  I chose a relatively easy summit that is within 20 minutes of my home, Peak 1094. This peak is in the "back yard" of some rural/suburban houses and is apparently owned by a timber company. I asked for permission to hike from a neighbor. He felt that it was ok as long as I wasn't hunting. Asking first keeps it above board.

NO6E's picture

Oregon's South Coast - Palmer Butte


Even leaving Bigfoot aside...

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...Southern Oregon has a lot to offer. If you'd like to try SOTA from exotic Oregon, there's probably no easier place to do it than Palmer Butte, W7O/SC-185.  It's off US-101 south of Brookings, the first major town north of the California border.


Take US-101 to around Milepost 357, south of Brookings, OR.  Turn East at this Signal:

NS7P's picture

Klickitat Mountain activation on Nov 17, 2016 by NS7P


 This summit is not very noteworthy. It's best feaure is being only a few miles from Cummins Peak, allowing an easy two summit  activation. You are on a road right of way that is surrounded by forest. No views, but lots of trees to support antennas.

K7ATN's picture

Three Corner Rock, WA | November 2016


This is a fine hike that many should try at some point - it's 4.4 RT miles and 800 feet of gain for the 'short' version described here, with a summit pinnacle that makes for a fun scramble if you feel the need to get to the tippy top. 

NS7P's picture

August 20, 2014 activation of Crater Peak (W7O/CS-026) in Crater Lake NP by NS7P


 Crater Peak is a small 7263’ shield volcanic summit that is located a few miles south of the lake.