Easy Trail

Trail contains no technical obstacles
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SOTA Activation: Squak Mountain, King County, Washington - March 23, 2014


On a quck training hike for our Switzerland Hiking / Climbing tour next July / August, I carried along my trusty ICOM - IC - V85 2M HT because it has an output of 7 Watts.  Together with my old AEA "Hot Rod" telescoping vertical antenna for 2M, it seems to work very well on 2M FM.  Squak Mountain, 617 Meters, 2,024 Feet elevation is an easy 4.2 miles RT hike gaining 1,274 feet to the summit.  It is easily accessible from my home QTH in Bellevue, WA.  Park on SR900 (Issaquah - Renton Road) or, as we did, at one of the higher trailheads on Mountainside

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Peak 3534, OR | March 2014


Peak 3534 is a near drive up in the Tillamook State Forest west of Portland off Highway 6.

K7ATN's picture

Peak 2140, OR "Back-up Plan" | Nov 2013


Along Highway 22 between Salem and Detroit there is a near drive-up summit. In 2013 the road was passable (with some care) in a passenger car. (It may be a bit overgrown now.) This summit could be a  back up plan when nearby Rocky Top can't be accessed due to snow.

K7ATN's picture

Cornell Mtn, OR | January 2014


Here is an urban 'pavement' activation - the closest one to downtown Portland. The summit proper for Cornell Mountain is on private property with the Activation Zone accessible from a neighborhood street with very limited shoulders.

K7ATN's picture

Wanderers Peak, OR | Dec 2013


A near "drive-up" two-point summit in the Clackamas River drainage with good views. This area is likely busy in the summer but it was mostly quiet on this December day.

K7ATN's picture

Awbrey Butte, OR | Feb 2014


UPDATE March 2023: W7O/CE-213 has been retired (prominance 480 feet).

HG1DUL's picture

Leisurely stroll


Longwire mnt. 2012-07-15 CN96jv50

Quickly, after Old Scab I activate this plateau as well. So far the most-most easiest "hike", or more like a walk in a park. Driving only a mile further up from Old Scab trailhead I reach the top of the mountain. Here is a big open space. Park the car in the shade and start to collect this giveaway six point.

K7ATN's picture

View Benchmark, UT | January 2014


A pleasant activation nearly any time of year near Draper, Utah.

K7ATN's picture

Peak 6001, OR | Oct 2013


This yet unnamed peak deserves a good name as it's a very worthwhile activation. It's a bit out of the way but very quiet compared to nearby Lookout Mountain and the views on a clear day of Mount Hood are excellent. These are directions from the NORTH - this road is suitable for HIGH CLEARANCE vehicles that you don't much care about.

K7ATN's picture

Fish Creek Mtn, OR | Dec 2013


Another highly recommended hike and activation - this one in the Clackamas River drainage.