Yainax Butte, or as the surveyor pin says, “Yonna”, was a mountain I was hoping to drive up to the lookout and do a quick activation on my way to SOTA campout/"expedition" in the Fremont NF west of Lakeview. The roads were awful. There are a couple ways to get there, just follow the maps but once you get to the main access road to summit, it is extreme 4wd rutty, rock crawl for about 3 or 4 miles. We ended up going all the way but I do not recommend it. It would be better off as maybe a day hike up rather than drive.
Exposed Summit
Eagle Point, WA | July 2020
Eagle Point was a very enjoyable 6-point summit located just southeast of the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center in Olympic National Park. After activating the very popular Hurricane Hill W7W/NO-086 last year, I wanted to explore a few summit options nearby along the Obstruction Point Road. This road is a well maintained dirt road and is generally open from mid-July through October (it is alway good to check road access via the link below). The road is accessed by turning a sharp left just before the parking lot to the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center.
Idaho - Spot Mountain 12June2019
The trail to Spot Mountain is a typical multi-switchback route rising from the steep Selway River Canyon walls to long undulating ridges. These ridges were used historically by American Indians as routes to bison hunting areas in the eastern plains from the lowlands of the Salmon and Snake river drainages that supported huge runs of salmon and steelhead.
Montana - Lookout Mountain 30September2018
Lookout Mountain is a US Forest Service active Lookout. Though not has high as some surrounding summits, it is typical of lookouts having good forest views. The summit is accessible by automobile. Trees are available for hanging wire antennas. &
Montana - Sweeney Peak 26 September 2018
Spectacular peaks of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness are in view from this summit. September visits are rewarded with brilliant yellow to orange needled alpine larch, a deciduous high elevation conifer and many times snowfall.
Pelican Butte, OR June 2020
I have to say, this summit is now at the top of my list. I went expecting an easy drive to 8 pt summit, but there was still about 3-5 ft deep snow drifts about 1 mile before summiting, but boy was the hike nice. The view is incredible. You can see just about all the regional highlights, snowy side of Mt. McLauglin with Fourmile Lake at its base right beside you, Crater Lake Rim, Thielson, Shasta, Upper Klamath Lake, Siskiyou Crest, Red Buttes, Aspen Butte, some big ones west of Crater Lake I did not get the name for, lava flows, and natural lakes.
Idaho - Granite Peak 15September2018
Granite Peak is a picturesque summit with huge granite boulders with interesting eroded patterns. It is a great operating location with outstanding views of the Great Burn of 1910. The trail is easy to follow and in-season wanders through some good huckleberry patches.
Idaho - Summit 7300 25August2018
Having hiked 2.5 miles to a saddle you might as well activate both close summits to the north and south, W7I/IC-139 & 167. These summits require a bit of somewhat steep scramble through open subalpine vegetation and open ground after the trail hike. Views from each summit are similar and overlook undeveloped wild forest area and the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness.
Idaho – Tom Beal Peak 25August2018
Having hiked 2.5 miles to a saddle you might as well activate both close summits to the north and south, W7I/IC-139 & 167. These summits require a bit of somewhat steep scramble through open subalpine vegetation and open ground after the trail hike. Views from each summit are similar and overlook undeveloped wild forest area and the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness.
Tillamook Peak (2399), Oregon | June 2020
“Tillamook Peak”, NC-091, is now a drive up. Can't tell you how to drive up because I hiked up the ATV trail described by K7EEX .http://www.pnwsota.org/blog/k7eex/2018-july-07/tillamook-peak-2399-oregon However, when I reached the ridgeline the trail t-boned into a road. Short walk up the road led me to the clear cut summit. Great view of the Wilson River. Don't expect trees for help, bring your own antenna support.