On a recent camping trip to Riffe Lake, I activated this summit after activating Burley Mountain (W7W/PL-039). See my other trip report for directions to get there.
Forested Summit
Quartz Mountain, OR | Aug 2022
This was my 3rd summit while over in Bend area for Central Oregon S2S party.
I had activated Pine Benchmark and Pine Mountain earlier in the day and I drove from there. I took NF-2017 from the Observatory down to the valley. However, that road is in very poor shape and high clearance is needed if you go that way. (If starting at the Observatory, travel time going back to Highway 30 to Road 23 is likely similar to taking rocky NF-2017 south).
Fox Butte, OR | Aug 2022
The summit is in pretty much the same shape as previous report linked by Etienne K7ATN.
Page Mountain, OR Aug 2022
I did Page on my way back from Althouse and Tanner. I figured I had some time and it appeared to be a driveup. I also am in no hurry to come back to this charred land. Page wasn't as badly burned, it is basically the area they stopped the SLater Fire in 2020 from reaching into Cave Junction. The fire burned part of Happy Camp and everything inbetween.
Little Applegate, OR August 2022
Went to Little Applegate after Applegate. It was a jeep road the last bit on RD 4513-300, off of road 4518. I started the hike up at 42.68112, -121.70485. There is a bit of an open path up to the summit using an old grown over road. Easy trek, about 1mi RT. The mountains around here are some of my favorite to hike because of the ground. Most everywhere is a layer of pine needles over pumice so it is like walking on a soft cushioned ground.
Applegate Butte, OR August 2022
Applegate Butte is a drive up summit with equipment on top. There are a couple nice flats to set up in between two areas of equipment. I had zero issue with RFI doing hf. We came here from Soloman Butte so not a typical route, taking some of the east side roads from Soloman over to Applegate. Most roads were ok other than on Soloman. Probably the easiest access is from Road 600 east of Chiloquin and then take RD 4510 north.
de AG7GP
Soloman Butte, OR August 2022
Solomon Butte on a map looks like it has roads going everywhere but it really doesn't. To get to a good start you will want to get to RD 4504 that somewhat circles the summit part way up. This is a jeep road with some tight pin striping opportunity in some areas and soft pumice your tires will sink in in other portions.
Huffraker Mountain, WA | Aug 2022
This was my second time to visit Huffraker. Last year, the property owner had closed the area due to fire danger. This year, it was reopened. However, last year I was able to drive all the way to the edge of Gifford-Pinchot NF and park. This year, there was an incredible amount of blowdown that had not been cleared which added another 4 miles to this hike bringing it to overall 6.3 miles RT. It may be that, due to the late season snow, once the mushroom pickers get busy some of the blowdown will get cleared.
Quartz Creek Ridge | August 2022
Activated Quartz Creek Ridge with Bill (K7WXW) this last weekend. This summit is easily doable with North Quartz Creek Ridge in the same day. Access for both summits is in the middle on a sometimes-not-mapped trail, TH at 46.24186, -121.72969 . This trail system is mixed-use. We saw ultramarathon runners (Dark Divide Ultra), mountain bikers, and dirtbikes. Prepare your ankles accordingly, the trail is often a narrow rut through the dirt because of the motorcycle traffic.
Fuji Mountain, OR | July 2022
Fuji Mountain, gem of the central Cascades, and well-loved hike, is a fantastic choice if you're in the area. Only half an hour from the highway, and with a very pleasant and well-worn trail to the top, this is the easiest hiking of any of the SOTA peaks in the area that aren't drive-ups.