Shady Trail

Decent tree cover for most of the trail
WU7H's picture

East Tonga Ridge, WA | Oct. 2020


East Tonga Ridge is best paired with nearby Mt. Sawyer (KG-052). It is quite a bushwhack to get to the summit of East Tonga, but worth it!

The drive in from HWY 2 is very straightforward. I recommend you read WW7D's report for a good description:


AG7GP's picture

Smith Rock/Rustler, OR Oct 2020

 This summary is for two summits...Joell, KJ7GFN and I started our SOTA trip about 1.5 hrs before daylight, I was hoping to get to the first summit, Smith Rock (also Sky Lakes Wilderness for WWFF), while dx was still happening to EU. We dressed preparing for a freezing morning, forecast was at 20-25f low in the area, figured even cooler at 6000'. I wore the warmest of everything I had since I get cold very easily. But we were fooled! Some sort of an inversion in the mountains was happening and I am guessing it was more around 50-55!

K7ATN's picture

Peak 3020, WA | October 2020


A 'sorta' near drive-up in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest north of Carson. You can drive within a mile of this unremarkable peak and likely have a nice quiet time playing radio.

N0DA's picture

McCulloch Peak, OR | October 2020


The SOTA peak database has the name of this peak incorrect as "Cardwell Hills HP", it is actually a well known peak called "McCulloch Peak" in the McDonald State Forest and all signs leading there, plus the marker on top, uses that name.

K7VK's picture

Montana - Petty Mountain 25September2019


You are entering bighorn sheep range in this summit’s area.  Two trail options are available.  Both are great trail hikes all the way to the summit.  The dry environment of this area makes it a good early Spring or late Fall season hike.  Wind can be challenging on the upper grassland

K7VK's picture

Montana - Cinnabar Point - 22Sptember2019


Cinnabar Point is currently a mature lodgepole forest on a rolling summit.  In the 1980s the summit sported a dilapidated pole tower structure that may have been used as a lookout, but has since fallen and rotted.  It is an easy mountain bike ride up a permanently closed road and then a short climbing trail to an off-trail gradual assent to the summit.

K7AHR's picture

East Crater, WA | September 2020


East Crater is a peak in the Indian Heaven wilderness. Three years ago, the south side and ridgeline of East Crater were completely burned by a fire that ended up burning about 500 acres in the area, and this fire caused the evacuation of the entire Indian Heaven wilderness area in September of 2017. Not much has grown back on the south side, while the north side, essentially untouched by the fire, is thick with trees.

AE7AP's picture

Peak 7498, Montana | September, 2020


1.5 miles, +690 ft

The trailhead can be reached from either the Bernice exit on I-15, or the Galen exit on I-90 south of Deer Lodge.  Both roads are suitable for all vehicles.  These instructions are from I-90.

K7VK's picture

Montana - Mount Tiny 4September2019


Mount Tiny is within the Anaconda Pintler Wilderness Area near Georgetown Lake.  Mount Tiny is a great SOTA double with its neighbor Little Rainbow Mountain, W7M/BR-071.

K7VK's picture

Montana - Little Rainbow Mountain 4September2019


Little Rainbow Mountain is within the Anaconda Pintler Wilderness Area. The summit provides excellent views of high mountain lakes and open alpine SOTA peaks.  Little Rainbow is a great SOTA double with its neighbor Mount Tiny, W7M/BR-079