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- W7O/NC
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I've been active in SOTA beginning in May 2014 with my first activation of Buckhorn Bally (W6/NW-222) near Redding, CA. Main focus is activating summits, but also chase whenever I can. While I now live in Oregon, I still serve as W6-SOTA RM for three northern regions.
I operate mainly HF-ssb mixed with some 2m-FM and digital. Hoping to learn CW - that's the plan anyway.
Radios include IC-705 & KX2. What I take depends on the type of trip, hike, radio conditions, etc. Have an assortment of LiFePO4 batteries for power. I mostly use a Buddistick for HF antenna, but will play around with other types. Do APRS route tracking using a Yeasu FT5DR, but not every trip as it's just another thing to manage.
- APRS Tracker Callsign
- W6PZA - 7
- Name
- Ron Adams
- Bio
First licensed in 2013, initially just to pick up my dad's old call (W6PZA), but soon developed my own interests in the hobby. Love outdoor recreation, hiking and backpacking, so SOTA quickly became my focus. Also enjoy casual contesting and going out on county expeditions for the 7QP and CalQSO.
Semi-retired, still do some occasional consulting work. Work life was in local government, City and County land use planner in California. Now living in Oregon and loving it!
- Member for
- 5 years 43 weeks
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