KC7JNU's blog
New gate installed on Cole Mountain road
Ran into a gate on Cole Mountain Road with a sign posted saying that access is closed December-October. About 3.5 miles left to the summit, so could still be done as a gravel road walk. Attached a map with the gate location marked.
Studying maps on Gaia shows there *may* be another access path from the north, but I did not have time to investigate.
Captain Gray Mountain, OR | September 2023
Captain Grey Mountain is a road walk of a few miles gravel through a mix of forest and clear cuts.
South Fork Mountain on foot, Oregon | August 2023
The previous trip reports have described driving up to South Fork Mountain, and I wanted to add that there is a trail to the top off of the well-maintained forest road 45, which is also on the way to/from Wanderers Peak. Thus it makes for a great second activation with no additional driving miles.
Pig Iron Mountain | July 2023
Pig Iron Mountain is a drive up good gravel forest road plus a half mile light-to-moderate bushwhack through rhododenrons. As such it's reasonably easy enough to reach, though no view at the top to particularly recommend it compared to other local peaks.
We found no pigs, iron or pig iron. Totally misleading peak name. There was just a bunch of bushes. Maybe they are pretty assuming they flower in the spring time. Dunno. YMMV.
Mount Defiance | July 2023
Lovely mostly shady hike to a peak with a good view of mt hood. Highly recommended activation.
There are a few routes to get to Mount Defiance. We took the hike from Warren lake described here on Oregon Hikers (different from 2012 trip report).
Davis Peak, WA | May 2023
Davis Peak is very accessible to Portland Metro, with a half mile hike and offers an amazing view. The downside is a fair bit of RF interference from the installation sharing the peak with you.
The google directions were accurate, although I will note that the main road to the peak has 2 names, and signage alternates between them : "Aho Carson" and "Davis Peak Road". When google told us to take a right onto Davis Peak Road the sign at the turn said "Aho Carson".
Round Top, OR | April 2023
Round top is drive + short hike on a logging road. It offers clear decent views with plenty of space to spread out your gear. The road became impassble due to snow about 1.5 miles from the summit (with an AWD Subaru). So this added about an extra mile trudging through snow (6-18") that we hadn’t anticipated, but it was a nice day and the walk up was quite nice really. Elevation gain for the hike was about 500ft.