good view

KD7QOW's picture

Bare Mountain


This is another summit I activated with my mountain bike and in this case that turned out to be a mistake as the bushwhack to the top is very steep, very thick, and not at all fun to do in bike shorts and shoes with spd cleats in them. 

AG7GP's picture

Ball Mountain, CA Aug 2023


It had been 4 years since I went down to do Ball Mt and I'm not sure why I don't get down here more. Ball is a great <2mi RT hike on a gated lookout road. I love the lookout on Ball. There are great views with ample space and choice of location in the AZ, exposed around LO or go down into the trees a little. Each time I have gone I have also done Willow Creek Mt and this trip added Eagle Rock also. All can be done in a day if you plan accordingly.

KA7GPP's picture

Magnetic Hill near Bellingham WA


This is an easy hike half on a good road and half by trail.  The area is also used by mountain bikes.  There is limited parking at the gate at location 48.688594 N, 122.403296 W, although few use this trail system.   Follow the well maintained road .6 miles until the place on the right side of the road where the trail begins.  See Picture.: