People who wish to receive the PNW SOTA Newsletter
mountain man, dealing in mountain safety!
so far......non to date.
I like to hike.
I like to activate and I want to use CW (still working on bringing up my speed).
Current ER doc, former Intel research engineer, former communications officer for federal disaster medical team, now a doc on the team.
Actually, I live in McMinnville and play Ingress, so I've been to some of the summits already for Ingress (Sheridan Peak for example); I'm also a ham, and had already planned a trip to Sheridan Peak with my portable gear (nothing fancy - FT817/ homemade buddipole and pac-12 vertical, cheap light laptop for FT8) on one of my days off for a picnic and hamming.
Ham since 1958 (age 14) but inactive for 30 years until August 2015. Using mostly CW on 40 and 20 and probably the WARC bands. New to portable operation -- just getting started.
None yet, although my first portable outing was at the coast just north of Newport and 2nd outing was to Mary's Peak near Philomath. Will participate in the 1st Internation Field Radio Event on 5/28/2016 (see
New to Ham radio and looking to combine ham radio with camping.
I like to visit fire lookout towers and would also like to take my radio gear and make a contact.
Licensed in 1978, spent 35yrs on VHF/UHF including EME got the SOTA bug about 2 1/2 yrs ago don't think i'm doing to bad with what I/ve got really enjoying it also do POTA and some rag chewing in between due prefer CW
strictly a chaser physical problems due not afford me the opportunity to activate
i have been a ham for 13 or so years . And i love it.
going as high up with little power as i can.
Living in Montana enjoying the outdoors.
Looking forward to getting involved with SOTA
retired, in the process of relocating to W7O or W6, long time dx'er/contester, active in SOTA since 2012
mountain goat #10 in North America; I like to hike; almost 100% cw with KX2
Current amateur radio technician. Aspiring to go pro.
I don't think I've technically activated a summit yet. Not sure how the points work. I tried at Rampart Ridge, Winchester Mountain Lookout, and the Thorp Mountain Lookout, but I didn't get more than one contact at each. I enjoy hiking with my radio, but find that most places I go don't result in many contacts. I don't know the rules too well either. I leave my Yaesu VX-6 on most weekends either at home or in the car so I might be able to hear somebody's call.
Born, raised & educated in the Midwest, I was drawn to the mild PNW climate and moved to Seattle in 2009. Only recently started getting into amateur radio at the recommendation of a friend/coworker (K7PJP). Looking forward to getting involved with SOTA!
So far, I've only had a couple of attempts to activate and have done a fair amount of chasing from home. I'm currently learning CW and hope to get more into activating in 2020.
rock climbing, mountaineering, and back country adventuring
Haven't done any yet. I want to try taking my QCX unit to the top of some things and see what i can reach.
Just a Man and his Dog - Rita
Novice, looking for more info and all things SOTA related in PNW.
I enjoy alpine climbing, motorcycles and qrp radios. Sota makes for a intersection for these pursuits.
I'm just getting started.
Interested in SOTA. spoke with someone years ago. would like to learn more!
havent participated yet. but wanting to learn more.
Just got my license a year ago, March 2016
Work as an internet technician/sys admin at the local phone Coop. Custer Telephone.
Live in Challis Idaho
There are 10 summits within 10 miles of my house.
Just finished (17th March 2017) 45 radiation and 6 chemo's to fight prostate cancer at 50, only 10% of men get cancer under 50, but about 80% of men get prostate cancer by the age of 80. Get your PSA tested mine should have been 1-4, it was 48 at 50, the last test has me less than 1 at 0.34!! Now I'm ready to go activate!
Just starting, my only radio at the moment is a hand held uv82. Just built a tape measure yagi for SOTA. Can't wait.
k7I/CU-333 and CU-297 are possibly going to be my first activations.
Recently upgraded to General and recently upgraded my qth station, leaving my 6 element yagi with nowhere but the mountains to operate in. So 1/1/2020 was to me my first SOTA adventure. 3 locked gates and 4 hrs of driving later. I am hooked :)
Mostly chasing but soon to summit.
Lifelong contester originally from Sask (VA5AA) ~ new to the SOTA concept, I look forward to getting involved and up a few trails!
I'm a SOTA newbie but I am looking forward to getting started!