People who wish to receive the PNW SOTA Newsletter
Recently got re-energized in Amateur Radio after a 15 year break. I love VHF Weak Signal work, and currently have a pretty minimal (Cheap) homebrew and boat anchor radio collection.
I am a Ten Meter fan (when it's open) and enjoy nets and VHF Simplex FM and SSB
I have heard a few Simplex FM Calls recently and intend to pull the trigger and try it!
First licensed in about 1960 as a novice in South Dakota. Have held ham tickets also in Florida, Georgia, and the Philippines. Am a retired Professor Emeritus in entomology at Montana State University.
Other interests include old cars, Harleys, camping, riding atvs, bearded dragons, and taking care of grandkids.
I have activated five new sites so far. Have done a moderate amount of chasing. Favorite portable rig is a KX3, although I have built several MTR and ATS qrp rigs. Operate mostly 20m cw. Base station is a Hygain tribander. Few prominences in MT have trails, and old trails shown on topo maps usually do not exist. My main objective is to see new country, and SOTA gives me an excuse for wandering about.
I like the thrill of the hike. I use my husband's radio gear. I think it's black :) I usually sit back and relax while he sets it all up.
But seriously, I enjoy hiking and snowshoeing with my husband, Dan (KK7DS) in the Columbia gorge, Oregon coast, central Oregon, etc. We typically set up on 20m using a buddiple versatee vertical and a Yaesu FT-817 or sometimes an Icom IC-7000.
Live in NE Oregon and like to activate SOTA peaks whenever possible. KX-3, Jackite end feed dipole for 20 meters.
Retired Fire Chief. Have been a Ham over 20 years and love the challenge of chasing SOTA, and DX.
Enjoy chasing SOTA, as I am now to old (over 70) to hike the trails as I did in the good old days. I have a modest station with an Icom 7410 & Icom 718 feeding many different ants from verticals (12, 15, 17M) to wires (10 thru 80M)and beams (2, 10, 20M) on a 72ft tower. I enjoy the family atmosphere of SOTA. You are not just a call sign, you are a name, a friend.