
KJ7OKW's picture

Big Creek Baldy Mountain, Montana | August 29, 2021


This is an easy summit to activate. It's just very remote. A large fire lookout is on top of the peak but was not manned the day I was there. 

Driving directions: From Yaak, Montana drive 17.5 miles south on 58. Take a left turn onto FS Road 309 and drive 5.27 easy miles to the trailhead. Here there is a winter ski/snowmobile hut with toilets and a large fire pit. Apparently this is a popular winter headquarters for cross country skiing and snowmobiling. The summit is an easy but steep 0.75 miles past the gate on the Forest Service road.

K7ATN's picture

Fryingpan Mountain, WA | Sep 2021


Here's a wilderness peak where backpacking is a good choice - it's a long seven miles one-way and about 2700 feet of gain - it would be a lot to do in one day. It would even be possible to camp on the summit - but be ready to carry your water.

N7KOM's picture

Pataniks Pushtye | September 2021


Squaw Butte in Washington is a good beginner bushwack hike. I met up with Tyler ND7Y at the Tillicum Campground and we parked our cars in a campsite near the trailhead. Tyler had found word of an old cattrack that leaves the Squaw Butte trail and heads to the summit. Overall this is an easy hike. The bushwack is manageable and the distance/elevation is reasonable. The trail to the cattrack is in good condition. Find the GPX track HERE

K7VK's picture

Mount Dean Stone, Montana - 3 August 2021


This summit became accessible to the public 2021 thanks to the hard work by a lot of individuals, Private Landowners, The Five Valley Land Trust, Nature Conservancy and the City of Missoula.  The summit is private property and contains numerous communications towers.  However, the new public access trail provides access to near the Activation Zone.

KE7NOB's picture

Sentinel Peak, OR | August 2021


Unless you're in extremely good shape (or just crazy) Sentinel Peak should be done as a backpack trip. The best way to activate is to hike to Aneroid Lake along the E Fork Wallowa Lake Trail (1804) starting at the Wallowa Lake TH. 

To get to the Wallowa Lake TH drive to Joseph, OR and continue South on hwy 351/Powerhouse Rd. Once near the southern end of the lake take a left to stay on Powerhouse Road and follow it to the end. Parking is free and you do not need a NW Forest Pass for this TH. 

K7AGL's picture

Huckleberry Mountain, OR (Bonanza Trail) | Sept 2021


In addition to the two routes to Huckleberry Mountain K7ATN describes, there is a third trail up, the Bonanza Trail. I chose this option for three reasons: I was intrigued by the fact that there was a mine shaft off the trail, it looked like it was a bit shorter than the Boulder Ridge Trail route and I thought that there would be fewer hikers taking this route on this busy Labor Day weekend Sunday.

Here is information about the hike that I used:

AG7GP's picture

Wagner Butte, OR 2021


I have already written a long blog on Wagner but thought I would do a separate update as I finally took the trail for most of the trip. Keep in mind that what all us locals know as the trailhead is not on most maps, they have it down the road. There is a large parking area opposite the TH that is not on many maps 42.11449, -122.80047 is where you want to be. From here it will be about 9 miles RT with about 2600' gain, according to my trackers. I took a few paths off trail so there is a little estimation. The trail is nice.

WB7VTY's picture

Lookout Mtn WA Advice Sept. 2021


Just a short note about driving up to Lookout Mountain outside of Carson WA, summit ID W7W/LC-066.   I went up with my VW Tiguan which is AWD and has a little ground clearance and it didnt have any trouble in that regard.  However, I would strongly advise NOT going up to this summit with passenger car highway tires.  I have heavier duty tires on my Tiguan because I am frequently off the pavement.  There are lots of sharp looking rocks in areas of the last several miles of this trip.  Probably the last 3 or 4 miles is very narrow and few if any good places to tu

WJ7WJ's picture

Arbuckle Mountain, Oregon | August 2021


I think there are 2 ways to get to Arbuckle Mountain. But I only did this one. I don’t recommend this route unless you are a 4x4 enthusiast or maybe by mountain bike.

From Willow Creek Road out of Heppner which turns into NF-53 then turn onto NF-170 (45.16615, -119.23569). This quickly turns into high clearance and eventually into 4wd road. However, it is only 3 miles to the top. I would not recommend this road if it is not dry. There are several turns required, but I did not document them as I took several wrong ones.

WJ7WJ's picture

Black Mountain, Oregon | August 2021


Well, at least it’s not another Black Butte. It is also a nice road walk of 5 or 6 miles RT. The distance depends on whether you start at the turn off of the good gravel road or whether you bounce your way up ~0.3 miles to the gate. Elevation gain is 1000 or 800 ft respectively.